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Meeting Room

Board of Directors

Gwen LeBlanc - President

Norbert LeBlanc - Vice President

Anne d'Entremont - Treasurer 

Cody Donaldson - Secretary 

Ruth Ann LeBlanc - Quinan

Linda Jacquard - Amirault's Hill/Surette's Island

Rosanne d'Eon - West Pubnico

Kathy Bourque - East Pubnico

Therese Boucher - Ste Anne du Ruisseau

Roland LeBlanc - Wedgeport

Vacant - Comité Jeunesse de Par-en-Bas

Vacant - Comité Jeunesse de Par-en-Bas

Sandra d'Entremont - Assocation of Acadians Argyle

Jean-Claude Saulnier - Acadian Trade Council of Nova Scotia

Ina Amirault - Argyle Elders Committee

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